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KontaktWeidenallee 1220357 Hamburginfo@mylys.de
ÖffnungszeitenMontag: GeschlossenDienstag - Freitag: 11.00 - 19.00 UhrSamstag: 11.00 - 16.00 Uhr
Auswahl Steuerzone / Lieferland
Original Text: Inspired by the landscape of her home, Kate has created a rich and diverse collection of designs, each with its own distinctive story. Balanced equally between garments and accessories, you might choose to knit a tweedy cardigan which echoes the mossy palette of Conic Hill, a delicate jumper recalling a favourite plant found on Rannoch Moor, or a shawl sparked by the energy of the Highlands’ first “electric village”. In the book, each design is paired with an exploratory essay which sets Kate’s designs and inspiration in their richer context. From Rob Roy’s romantic (mis)representation to the beautiful songs of Donnchadh Bàn; from Loch Lomond’s built environment to ways of seeing Rannoch Moor, Kate’s writing reveals the West Highland Way as, first and foremost, a social landscape with an important cultural history. In this beautifully produced book, Kate’s words and designs are accompanied by Tom’s stunning photography, depicting the West Highland Way in all seasons of the year. Sprache: Englisch